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Год выпуска: 2010
ОС: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: Английский, Русский
Лекарство: Присутствует
Размер: 1.6 Мб 

- программa предназначеннa для настройки параметров и оптимизации работы операционных систем Windows. Вся работа с программой осуществляется посредством простого интерфейса. После применения PCMedik может заметно возрасти скорость работы приложений в среде Windows, а также заметно снизится вероятность непредсказуемого "падения" системы.

PCMedik can increase the performance of your computer and fix annoying problems like crashes and errors that randomly appear. Reduce the frustration that you may have with your computer by simply downloading and trying PCMedik, many common problems on your computer can quickly be fixed and your computer's performance will be greatly improved.
PCMedik works by making permanent modifications to the Windows system registry and system files, these changes affect how your computer performs and fixes many errors that you commonly run into during day to day operation of your computer. Increase the stability of your computer and have your computer run at optimal performance by using PCMedik. No longer do you have to continually reboot your computer to fix errors that are stopping you from continuing to work, PCMedik fixes many of these Windows errors and prevents these messages from appearing.
Say no to system reboots by healing your computer problems. Quickly fix errors that occur on your computer, increase the performance of your computer system and boost your productivity by downloading PCMedik today.
Latest Update: - Fixed problem within Windows 7 that would delay the icon and shortcuts of software from appearing properly and causing the start menu to load slow. Also changed compression of the installer to decrease size of software.

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Счетчики: 1427 | Добавил: imperiya7 | Теги: Лекарство, бесплатно, PCMedik, + crack, скачать, keygen, key
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